When considering parenting, you may have more questions than answers. Most people do. Children don’t come with instruction manuals, and every child is different. There isn’t a parent on earth who will tell you they were entirely ready for parenthood.
Do These Questions Sound Familiar?
See if any of these questions have run through your mind as you consider parenting:
- What should I do if my husband or partner doesn’t want the baby, but I do?
- How can I possibly tell my parents?
- Will I be able to finish school?
- Will I be able to continue working?
- How will I afford to parent?
- Am I too young or too old?
- Are my parents going to help me financially, physically, and emotionally?
Every one of these questions is important to ask. We’ve talked to hundreds of clients asking the same things. Now is the time to look at your situation and what services you’ll require to make the job of parenting possible.
What Services Are Available?
At First Choice Pregnancy Center, we want to give you the tools and support to be a successful parent. In addition to our free services, we can make referrals for prenatal and medical care, food, daycare assistance, and baby supplies. Plus, counseling and classes on nutrition, budgeting, and co-parenting are available.
If there is specific training you need, we can set up individual one-on-one life skills classes with one of our advocates.
How Do I Know If Parenting Is Right for Me?
A staff member can discuss your situation and your plans for your future. All of your conversations are completely confidential. We know this is a big moment, and we want to help.
Let us know how we can serve you. Schedule an appointment for a private consultation today.

The First Choice Difference
If you're facing an unexpected pregnancy and don't know where to turn, come to First Choice. We specialize in providing free and confidential medical services to get you the answers you need. There's no pressure, manipulation, judgment, or lectures. Just pure, honest, factual information. We care about you and your future. Trust First Choice.